Moving Tip: Double up on fitted sheets! To protect your mattress from possible dirt and debris place a fitted sheet on both sides of the mattress.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 28, 2018
from Twitter
Moving Tip: Double up on fitted sheets! To protect your mattress from possible dirt and debris place a fitted sheet on both sides of the mattress.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 28, 2018
So when’s the best time to move? From fall’s real estate deals and winter’s cheap moving rates to spring’s cool temperatures and summer’s longer days, each season has its own moving benefits.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 27, 2018
Moving Tip: Make lifting heavy boxes easier by cutting upside down triangular holes in either side of the box and reinforcing them with packing tape to avoid tearing.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 27, 2018
Moving Tip: If possible, try to avoid using garbage bags to pack your belongings. A well-meaning friend or family member may accidentally throw it out during the clean-up/organization process.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 26, 2018
When it comes to moving, there are a number of important documents and forms to keep track of. Below is a helpful list of documents and forms.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 25, 2018
Moving Tip: Cover the tops of toiletry bottles with plastic wrap or a freezer bag. Simply unscrew the lid of your shampoo bottle, place the wrap or bag over the hole, and then replace the lid. Doing so prevents the headache that comes with unnecessary spills or leaks.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 25, 2018
Moving across the country or across the street is a huge hassle, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. Save time, stress, and most importantly, money, by getting rid of excess stuff first. The less you have...
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 25, 2018
Moving Tip: Create a master moving to-do list to make organizing and keeping track of what needs to be done easier.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 24, 2018
Moving Tip: Buy easy breakfast food for the day after your move. Think - bagels, cereal, milk, etc.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 21, 2018
If you have been pondering moving to a new city or country there is no time like the present to bust out the luggage and pack up your life! There are 9 reasons why below!
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 20, 2018
Holiday decorations are something exceptional, but they are also too fragile to be handled, packed and stored just like any other household items.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 20, 2018
Moving Tip: Placing knives in an oven mitt can prevent injury, just remember to secure the end of the oven mitt with tape or a rubber band
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 20, 2018
Moving Tip: Defrost your fridge the night before your move to avoid leaks and foul smells
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 19, 2018
Created for mobility, these stylish DIY solutions for backyard elements are designed to look great, day or night.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 18, 2018
Moving Tip: Fill up pots and pans with spices and other kitchenware to save space
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 18, 2018
Being a good tenant may not always be easy. Here are some tips to establish a honest and transparent relationship with your landlord from the start
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 17, 2018
Moving Tip: Label the side of your boxes so you can read them even when stacked together
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 17, 2018
Steps to Researching Your Neighborhood Before Buying
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 16, 2018
Moving Tip: Plan your meals accordingly as to prevent throwing away food or having to move it
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 14, 2018
Moving Tip: If using magazines or newspaper as packing paper on fragile items, beware of the ink staining or seeping onto those items
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 13, 2018
Keeping Track of Your Pets During a Move
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 13, 2018
One of the most stressful parts about moving to a completely new location is the pain of finding a new primary or specialty doctor. This is something you should start to research prior to moving to ensure you won't postpone it until an emergency.
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 12, 2018
Moving Tip: Wrapping a rubber band around a hammer can prevent scuffing the wall when removing nails
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 12, 2018
Moving Tip: pack room-by-room to ensure you keep specific items together
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 11, 2018
You’re ready to make a move, but your stuff is staring you in the face, silently mocking you. Packing up all your belongings is a daunting task, but there are many ways to make packing easier. These seven easy tips will get you ready to pack with a...
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 11, 2018
Moving Tip: As you pack away your clothes, sort them into "essential" (clothes to wear for the first few nights), "donation" and "keep" piles
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 10, 2018
8 Things to Do When Moving (The Sooner, The Better)
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 7, 2018
Moving Tip: Create a moving schedule with activities for you and your family to participate in a month before your moving date
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 6, 2018
Moving Reminder: Don't procrastinate what can be done today until tomorrow
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 5, 2018
We are not fans of no-pet policies, but many apartments have them.. If you have an emotional support animal you may need to find steps to take to try and work around this policy. The article below works out some strategies!
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 4, 2018
Moving Tip: Change your address at least a week before you move
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 4, 2018
Moving Tip: You can fill in nail holes with rubbing a bar of soap over the hole
— AtlanticCoast (@AtlanticCoastMS) September 3, 2018